Paul ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
>  use strict 
>  open (FILE,$0) or die $!; # this reads itself
>  my($data,%count); 
>  { local $/ = undef;       # erases the record seperator for this block
>    $data = <FILE>;         # slurps in the whole file to $data
>  }   
>  close(FILE);              # good habit
>  map { $count{$_}++ } $data =~ /(\w+)/sog; # watch the context!
>  print map { "$count{$_} occurances of '$_'\n" } sort keys %count;
> Perl is a wonderfully concise language.
> The above is strictly given as an example of a few performance tricks
> that are worth researching. =o)

I agree printing the map output, but I disagree using map to calculate
the sums.  map always generates a new array that immediately gets dumped
since it's not assigned.  A foreach would be nicer to system resources
and better to read.  To make it short, use it postfix:

    $count{$_}++ foreach ($data=~ /.../);

Check 'perldoc perlfaq6' for reference.

                     If we fail, we will lose the war.

Michael Lamertz          | [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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