--- Peter Lemus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm writing a script that will read a file, the data
> on the file are directories in a win2k server.  I
> would like to test if the folder exists and create the
> folder if it doesn't exist.  Please give me an example
> of how I can accomplish this.

 open FOO, ">>$file" or die $!; # create if not there
 open FOO,    $file  or die $!; # open to read

The first open is an append, which will create the file if it's there,
but won't harm it if it's not. The second open is a read-only, but
causes an implicit close on FOO before reopening it. Then just process
it accordingly.

There are myriad ways to do this, but I prefer this one, as it only
adds one line to your program (the appending open), doesn't require any
modules, etc. You could always add a close FOO; statement, but the 2nd
open does that, and the 2 open() statements immediately together tends
to draw attention.

On the other hand, you called it a folder. More explicit and possibly
more circumstantially correct code:

 mkdir $folder unless -e $folder and -d _;

this creates directory $folder unless it already exists as a directory.
To be cleaner:

 unless (-e $folder) {
   mkdir $folder;
 } else {
   die "$folder not a directory!" unless -d _;

Then (assuming you're reading the directory info),

  opendir DIR, $folder or die $!;

Then readdir to get your data.

As always,
Hope that helps.


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