     I am writing a small perl script which is included below.  I 've a problem
with this line
my $prjstream = `cleartool lsstream  -in @prjname[1]\@$ucmvob | grep Int` ;
It doesn't recognise $ucmvob in this command.
But if I replace the variable $ucmvob with the string "/ebppvobstore/vobs/UCMCQ"
it works. I am not able to figure out why it doesn't work if I specify the
variable. Not that the syntax of this command is "cleartool lsstream  -in

use strict ;
my $ucmvob = "/ebppvobstore/vobs/UCMCQ" ;
my $PR_NAME = <STDIN> ;
my $vobname = `cleartool lsproject -invob $ucmvob | grep $PR_NAME` ;
my @prjname = split /\s+/, $vobname ;
my $prjstream = `cleartool lsstream  -in @prjname[1]\@$ucmvob | grep Int` ;
my @Intstream = split /\s+/, $prjstream ;
print "@Intstream[1] \n" ;

I would appreciate any help on this.


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