I've been through the Perl Cookbook and Programming Perl trying to
figure this one out, now I'm ready for some help.  I've been working
with Perl for years but I can't make heads nor tails out of the
explanations in either of these books on the subject of sorting.  Sigh.

I have a simple two-dimensional array, call it @Weights.  I think of the
first index as being the Row index and the second being the Column
index.  Normally I'd access an entry thus:

  $ItemWeight = $Weights[$row][$col];

I just want to sort the rows first by the first column, then by the
second column, etc for all the columns.  In other words, this

         Col #
   R# |  0  1  2  
   0  |  3  0  2
   1  |  0  5  0
   2  |  1  3  1
   3  |  1  0  8

Should sort to this:

         Col #
   R# |  0  1  2  
   0  |  0  5  0
   1  |  1  0  8
   2  |  1  3  1
   3  |  3  0  2

Can someone show me a sample of some code?  By the way the number of
columns is small and fixed, I can just hard-code that part of the
problem if I can just figure out the reference syntax I should use for
passing the comparator values to the sort function.


Matt Noel            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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