try to take a look at the 'floor' and 'ceil' in the posix module

they will do exactly what you want!
 POSIX qw(ceil floor)

perldoc posix

Kind regards,

Jos Boumans

Craig Moynes/Markham/IBM wrote:

> I looked through my book (perl nutshell) and PP has not arrived yet, so I
> will ask here.
> I have an number that needs to be rounded to the nearest whole number.
> This is my solution:
>    if ( $archives_needed =~ /\.\d+/ )
>                 {
>                         ($remainder = $archives_needed) =~ s/\d+(\.
> \d+)/$1/;
>                         $archives_needed += $remainder;
>                         $archives_needed =~ s/\.\d+//;
>                 }
> Is there an easier way (or more efficent).  This is more a curiosity than
> anything else.
> Thanks perl junkies,
> -----------------------------------------
> Craig Moynes

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