At 02:59 PM 5/23/01 -0500, Tom Yarrish wrote:
>What have people done/read/whatever
>to "think" in a perl state of mind.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Illusions/Richard Bach
Whack on the Side of the Head/van Oech
Any Far Side collection

>As I said, I've been trying for some time to learn Perl, but it seems like
>this is a hump I can't figure out how to get over.

The mantra I tell my students who are coming from other languages is, 
"There's less going on here than meets the eye."  I.e., Perl is remarkably 
devoid of the customary linguistic baggage.  Think for instance of how 
arguments are passed to a subroutine.  You pass 'em in the usual way, they 
show up in the array @_.  That simple piece of elegance bypasses all the 
prototyping nonsense of other languages and the song-and-dance you have to 
go through in many of them to make a variadic function.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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