Did I touch a nerve here or what?

Ge, all of this totally  <favorite slang word> is confusing me,

So you know where I am coming from, I'm taking 
a second on-line CGI/PERL class that leaves a lot to be desired (if anyone knows
a good up-todate on-line class, please let me know!)

I will move up to learning CGI.pm, but for this month, I need to learn 
how share variables between PERL files.

So by way of example what do I need to add to my code so I can use the Strict Pragma?

I take it that this is considered bad programing style or is just out date, 
like the <blink> tag in <html> :)

require "libcgi2.pl";

Also I don't understand this '::' syntax.

(I would think that there are a few out there that might benefit from some 

-------- the  library file "libcgi2.pl" --------

# used in guestout.pl and guestin.pl
$filename = 'guest_data/guest_data.txt';

sub parse_input { 

 $whichmethod = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
 if($whichmethod eq "GET"){ 
       $forminfo = $ENV{"QUERY_STRING"};
       $forminfo = <STDIN>; } 
 @key_value_pairs = split(/&/,$forminfo); 
 foreach $pair (@key_value_pairs){
       ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$pair);
       $value =~ s/\+/ /g; 
       $value =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
       $FORM_DATA{$key} = $value;

--- more stuff ---

return 1;

---------- main perl executable,  what is this package's $Name? -----

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# CGI Script
use strict;

require "libcgi2.pl";

&parse_input; # sub in our library 

#strip leading or trailing white space from all our form elements 
foreach  my $key (keys %FORM_DATA){ 
$FORM_DATA{$key} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;


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*   http://www.coraconnection.com/                   *  
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