On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 03:38:35PM -0500, Nichole Bialczyk wrote:
> i'm trying to work my way throuh an existing script and it says
> @array = qw("stuff", "more stuff", "even more stuff");
> what does the qw do?

perldoc perlop:
               Returns a list of the words extracted out of
               STRING, using embedded whitespace as the word
               delimiters.  It is exactly equivalent to

                   split(' ', q/STRING/);

In this case, qw is being misused.  The code there is equivalent to:

    $array[0] = '"stuff",'  ;
    $array[1] = '"more'     ;
    $array[2] = 'stuff",'   ;
    $array[3] = '"even'     ;
    $array[4] = 'more'      ;
    $array[5] = 'stuff"'    ;

What was probably intended is the equivalent of:

    $array[0] = "stuff"          ;
    $array[1] = "more stuff"     ;
    $array[2] = "even more stuff";

In which case the qw should just be dropped, the quoting is sufficient.

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