At 11:32 AM 5/31/01 +1000, King, Jason wrote:
>I notice that the copyright notice is 1996 .. so perhaps my memory is
>failing me and that there was a version of Perl where <STDIN> did NOT grab
>the line-ending character as well .. otherwise Tom really is human and has
>made a mistake :)

I would peg it as a mistake... but just for the edification of the list, if 
you use the -l option to perl, this code *will* work, because the \n will 
be autochomped.  So we could charitably say that it depended on the shebang 
line... except that that should have been noted.  Anyway, if you haven't 
heard of the -l option yet, do a perldoc perlrun and look it up, it's very 

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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