>what does a closed filehandle error mean? i'm trying to write to a log
 >and yes, the permissions for the directory and the log are 777.

A closed filehandle means that the pipe (ie., the tunnel that connects your 
perl script to the innards of the file) is no longer there. See the 
examples below:

    open(PIPE_TO, "your-filename");
    print PIPE_TO "burp!";
    close PIPE_TO;
    print PIPE_TO "sadness";

The "burp" line will print to the file correctly (assuming we were able to 
create the pipe to "your-filename"). The "sadness" line, however, won't 
because we've closed the pipe.

You *definitely* want to test that the pipe is created successfully. The 
code above is much nicer like this:

    open(PIPE_TO, "your-filename") or die "Problem!: $!";

This has a double benefit. If the pipe isn't open correctly, then you'll 
get "Problem!:" printed to STDOUT. Along with problem is a magical thingy 
called $!, which contains a remotely specific error on why the pipe 
couldn't be open in the first place...

Morbus Iff
.sig on other machine.

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