On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 09:03:52AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> i will connect from Unix ( Client HP -UX OS) to a Microsoft SQL 7.0 database
> (SQL-Server Windows NT OS).
> I have installed the DBI Module, but I don' t know, which DBD - Module I am
> installing
> additionally??

I have not tried any of these setups; I have derived the information from
various online sources (web pages, usenet, etc.), and some amount of working
knowledge of databases.  Keep this in mind; the solutions may or may not

One option is to use DBD::Sybase.  Apparently it's compatible with MS-SQL
because MS just took an older Sybase and slapped a new label on it.

Another is to use DBD::ODBC.  This will require an ODBC driver, and at some
point I heard there was one available to connect to MS-SQL from Unix.  I may
have misheard.

Lastly, setup a DBI proxy using the DBD::Proxy module (perldoc DBD::Proxy). 
This is, obviously, the least direct of the solutions, but if there is no
other support for MS-SQL in Unix, it's your best bet.

Doing a search on Google will probably yield good results; I've seen the
question posed several times in the past in various forums.

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