
Is there any way of installing modules under Windows 2000 without having 
access to the command line.  The reason I ask is that the web space 
provider is using Windows 2000 for their servers but I only have ftp access 
to the space.

I have installed modules under Linux before (using a ssh connection) but 
what was interesting was that when I was moving the web site and the 
installed module to another Linux server, I didn't actually install the 
module to the new server but it still works fine.  All I did was move the 
directory (to where I installed the module to) as well as the html and cgi 
files.  In the scripts I used

use lib '/directory_module_installed_to' ;

Is it possible to work around the fact that I don't have command line 
access on the Windows 2000 server?

Many thanks


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