Hello all,

I've constructed a perl script which takes number from a large text file
and prints them as well as manipulates them later on.  I've use a crude
way of getting the data but it's working for one set of files but not the
other.  What happens is that it reads in the numbers until there is a
negative number.  When it reaches a negative number, it places the
remaining text in that variable.  

Here's a sample of the text file and the program where that data should be

#sample of the text
Nitrogen 0.0  -5.78  0.0  0.0  0.0 

#sample of the program.

if (/(Nitrogen) *([0-9.\-]*) *([0-9.\-]*) *([0-9.\-]*) *([0-9.\-]*)
/) {
if ($2 <= 0.0) {
$name = $1; $nitrogen1 = $2; $nitrogen2 =$3; $nitrogen3 = $4; $nitrogen4 =
$nitrogen5 = $6;}}   

I thoguht placing the \- would get rid of the problem but it didn't.  
So, the end result is that $nitrogen1 = 0.0 and $nitrogen2 = -5.78  0.0
0.0  0.0.  the other variables after that are undefined.  

If anyone can help out with this problem, that'd be great.  Thanks for
your help.  


Brent Buckalew

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