On Jun 7, Accountant Bob said:

>can any one explain to me why this doesn't seem to work:
>  push @elements, $2 while
>    /\G\s*(["'])([^\\\1]*(?:\\.[^\\\1]*)*)\1/gc or
>    /\G(\s*)(\S+)/gc;   # k i know that's kinda kloogy, but I'm

Let's find out why:

friday:~ $ explain


    [^\\\1]*                 any character except: '\\', '\1' (0 or
                             more times (matching the most amount


As you see, putting \1 in a character class matches the character
"\1".  That's not what we wanted; but character classes must be known at
the regex's compile-time.

You could do:

  push @matches, $+ while
    /\G\s*(["'])((??{"[^$1\\\\]*")(?:\\.(??{"[^$1\\\\]*"))*)/gc or

But that is ugly, and requires Perl 5.6.0+.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
I am Marillion, the wielder of Ringril, known as Hesinaur, the Winter-Sun.
Are you a Monk?  http://www.perlmonks.com/     http://forums.perlguru.com/
Perl Programmer at RiskMetrics Group, Inc.     http://www.riskmetrics.com/
Acacia Fraternity, Rensselaer Chapter.         Brother #734
**      Manning Publications, Co, is publishing my Perl Regex book      **

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