
        I have a small conceptual problem. I have been 
told that doing:

my $item;
foreach $item (@arr) { ... }

is more efficient than:
foreach my $item (@arr) { ... }

Because it does not reallocate memory each time. 
This means that the scope of $item in the second 
example is actually after the { }. Right ?

Then can someone explains why the following code:

#---Begin Code---
use strict;
my $par="50";
print "$par\n";

my @arr = ('first', 'second', 'third');
foreach $par (@arr)
        print "$par\n";
print "$par\n";
#---End Code-----

produces the following output:

This means that the $par in the foreach loop is 
NOT the same as the $par outside of the loop. However, 
I use strict and I do not even do a "my $par". How can 
this be possible ?

However, when I use the print "\$par", I see that it
allocates a different address on each iteration of
the loop, even without the par. So what does on 
anyway ?


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