On 9 Jun 2001, at 10:44, Kevin Meltzer wrote:

> If it is under the control of your CGI, and you use proper data laundering and
> checking on paths being created, you shouldn't have a security issue. 

Or just plain don't create paths through CGI (or for any other trivial 
reason).  That's me.  Though it's something I'll keep in mind when I 
do have a need for path creation.  (I'll probably be limiting 
pathnames to alpha/numeric/underscore when I do, though, just to 
keep URLs clean, because I hate "%".  Aesthetically displeasing.)

But really, I blame whoever was developing the filesystem and 
thought it would be a good idea to allow newlines as a valid 
character at all.  Spaces, too.  Bah, I say.  Bah!

I'm suddenly flashing back to the old Apple ][ hidden-character 
filenames.  And I didn't even *own* an Apple ][.

> And bats aren't really blind :)
>    That's relativity."   --Albert Einstein

And Einstein didn't really say that (hey, this game is fun).

Karen J. Cravens ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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