On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, Bruno Veldeman wrote:

> > Is there a shareware/freeware Perl development environment? (As in
> comments
> > are this color, constants are that color, a real-time debugger, etc?)
> I use midnight commander.
> Does syntax highlighting.
> On a RH Linux install it starts with mc.
> Some usefull keys:
> ctrl-o : switch between 2 line command mode and full screen. (Just try it to
> seen what I mean)
> ctrl-enter : copy the current highlignted filename to the command line
> esc tab : same as tab in bash
> F4 : edit file. This detects the file type and does the syntax highlighting

What does mc use for its editor?  It's probably using one of the editors
that come with Linux.

-- Brett

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