> I guess it's talking about *? - this will match the minimum number of times
> for a sucessful match, rather than the maximum. 

 Let me say the same with more formalism :
 perldoc perlre :

    By default, a quantified subpattern is "greedy", that is, it will match
    as many times as possible (given a particular starting location) while
    still allowing the rest of the pattern to match. If you want it to match
    the minimum number of times possible, follow the quantifier with a "?".
    Note that the meanings don't change, just the "greediness":

        *?     Match 0 or more times
        +?     Match 1 or more times
        ??     Match 0 or 1 time
        {n}?   Match exactly n times
        {n,}?  Match at least n times
        {n,m}? Match at least n but not more than m times

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