1) unless you have previously populated the db file, it will start off as

2) $ALIAS is the reference to the hash, maybe you were trying to say print
  and may I suggest a little loop like this :

foreach (keys %hash)
  print "$_ :: $hash{$_}\n";

  which will print the content of the hash in a nice looking fashion.


"Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)" wrote:

>  Thanks for your help.  I did try the modification you suggested. Now the
> program does not die (it does not have that option), however when I ask it
> to list the contents of the file, it does not do anything either.  Here is
> my code again:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use CGI ':standard';
> use DB_File;
> $filename = "./mockalias";
> tie %ALIAS, "DB_File", "$filename", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_HASH;
> $key = "vrunda";
> if (exists $ALIAS{$key})
> {
> print "$key has value $ALIAS{$key}\n";
> }
> print "$ALIAS";
> untie %ALIAS;
> -----Original Message-----
> To: Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)
> Sent: 6/18/01 1:29 PM
> Subject: Re: PERL DB Question
> Try this instead
> tie %ALIAS, "DB_File", "$filename", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644, $DB_HASH;
> "Prabhu, Vrunda P (UMC-Student)" wrote:
> > I have an existing file, called mockalias that contains entries in the
> > following format:
> >
> > username : e-mail address
> > I want to use a hash %ALIAS to read the mockalias file into the hash,
> and
> > then be able to delete,
> > update, add entries to this hash.  When I run the following code, it
> tells
> > me that the file
> > mockalias exists, and dies.  How can I read the file into a hash and
> > manipulate the entries
> > of the hash?
> >
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > use CGI ':standard';
> > use DB_File;
> > $filename = "mockalias";
> > tie (%ALIAS, "DB_File", $filename) or
> >                 die "cannot open file $filename:$!\n";
> > untie %ALIAS;
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your time.
> > Vrunda

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