Hi group!

Ok, I'm trying to open all files in the directory containing my script, and
search each one for lines containing my search string.  This is my code so

$i = 0;
opendir(logdir, '.') or die "Can't open directory.";
print "Enter string to search for: ";
$searchstring = <>;
print "\n";
#print join("\n", readdir(logdir));
print "\n";
@filelist = readdir(logdir);
while($i < ($#filelist))
    open(logfile, @filelist[$i]);
          #if(#####line I'm currently on is m/$searchstring/i)
print "Press enter to continue...";
$i = 0;
while($i < ($#filelist))
     close(logfile, @filelist[$i]);
closedir $logdir;

Now the problem is, how do I specify "The line I'm currently working on"?

Right now my program prints every line from every file in my directory, but
once I figure this out I think it should limit the output to only lines
containing my search string.

Can someone help me out?

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