> exec "egrep -c $lookFor @{$LOGS[$_ - 1]} >out" ...
> Unless you need to protect against malicious entries in 
> @LOGS, this'll get 
> you going.

okay, a bit more info...
$lookFor="Test App Finished|Fault
2-0|ORA-|Bind|SystemError|SystemException|Communication|ORBA|Get Q Error";

foreach (@allFiles) {
        if( ($count % 3) == 0 ) {
                push(@logFiles1,"../logs/set1/" . $_);
        } else {
                if ( ($count % 2 ) == 0 ) {
                        push(@logFiles2,"../logs/set1/" . $_);
                } else {
                        push(@logFiles3,"../logs/set1/" . $_);

exec "egrep -c $lookFor @{$LOGS[$_ - 1]} >out" unless $pid=fork; # fork new
process for cmd

results in:

sh: Fault: not found
egrep: can't open App
egrep: can't open Finished
sh: Bind: not found
sh: SystemError: not found
sh: ORA-: not found
sh: SystemException: not found
sh: ORA-: not found
egrep: can't open App
egrep: can't open Finished
shsh: Bind: : Faultnot found
: not found
sh: SystemError: not found
sh: SystemException: not found
sh: Communication: not found
sh: ORBA: not found
sh: Get: not found

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