Ehm, you cant *just* use & and expect all to stay the same...
concider the following:

if you use a & you dont need to predeclare a sub if you want to leave of the
parenthesis for an argument list:
    &foo    #calls sub foo with no arguments
    foo       #calls sub foo with no arguments IF you predeclared sub foo
anywhere... if not, its' a bareword

also, and this is more important, if you set up prototyping for your subs, &
will disable prototype checking...
now most of the time you dont set up prototypes so it's unlikely you get
bitten, but the second you change your sub to use prototype's and you do not
leave off the & in your sub calls, they wont get checked

read perldoc perlsub for more information

hope this clears things up,

Jos Boumans


> > I am using the most recent from ActiveState, but I tend to stick the &
> > out there so I can tell at a glance that I am calling a sub.  Does it
> > cause problems or is it just not needed?
> It doesn't cause any problems that I am aware of.  Go ahead and use
> it if it makes subroutines stick out.

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