Unlike strongly typed languages, Perl doesn't distinguish between types of 
scalar data, or rather, it massages it into the proper data depending on 
the context you're in.  Meaning if I do this:

my $sum = 1 + 1;

now, $sum contains a number: 2;

if I know say:
print "$sum\n";
Perl automatically changes the data type of $sum to a string for the print 

This means you have to be careful when you compare data.  To force a 
variable into number context you can do
$sum += 0;

Now sum is a number (if it only contains a number, if it contains data 
which cannot be made into a number, then you get zero);
To be sure you have only numbers in your variable, you can use a regular 
print "Not a number!\n" if($sum =~ /[^\d]/);

Now, you can use the proper operators to check your data
for numbers, use + - > < == !=, etc
print "Sum is 0\n" if($sum == 0);
print "Sum is less than 5\n" if($sum < 5);

for strings use eq, ne, lt, gt, etc
print "Sum is 'foo'" if($sum eq "foo");

At 15:05 25.06.2001 +0200, Stéphane JEAN BAPTISTE wrote:

>I get a value from a URL and I put it into a variable.
>I have a loop (while) with a value which have different values.
>The problem is that when I compare the first and the second value: If
>they're really equals, the program say they are'nt.
>Is ther a function to convert a value into an integer ?
>(sorry for my english :-) )

Aaron Craig

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