On 25 Jun 2001 12:15:15 -0400, Yacketta, Ronald wrote:
<snip />
> this is what I am trying todo
> @active = qx(
> select count(distinct(process)) ACTIVE from ---> v$session <---
> where last_call_et < 60 and
> process in (select ltrim(rtrim(to_char(process_id) )) from session_list);
> quit
> !
> );
<snip />

How about:

my $temp = "
select count(distinct(process)) ACTIVE from " . 'v$session' . "
where last_call_et < 60 and
process in (select ltrim(rtrim(to_char(process_id))) from session_list);

@active = `$temp`;
Today is Sweetmorn, the 30th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3167
All Hail Discordia!

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