Hello Chris,

Tuesday, June 26, 2001, Porter, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PC> It's me again, still won't work.  Here is the whole script:
PC> Again, any help would be great.

Well, script works correct now.

May be you try to rmdir not empty subdirs?

c:\>perldoc -f rmdir
    rmdir FILENAME
    rmdir   Deletes the directory specified by FILENAME if that
            directory is empty. If it succeeds it returns TRUE,
            otherwise it returns FALSE and sets `$!' (errno). If
            FILENAME is omitted, uses `$_'.

you can avoid many troubles, if you check return codes, like this:

rmdir $Name or die $!;
PC>  chdir "/u131/tmp" or die $!;

PC>  opendir(HERE, '.');

PC>  @AllFiles = readdir(HERE);

PC>  foreach $Name (@AllFiles) {

PC>    if (-f $Name) {next}

PC>    if ((-d $Name) and ($Name =~ /^[A-Z]+$/)) {rmdir $Name}

PC>    if ((-d $Name)) {print "$Name\n"}

PC>    }                          

Best wishes,
 Maxim                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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