--- "Ronald J. Yacketta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> some people just need a gentle slap to get them going.. kind of like
> a newborn ;) slap them on the arse to get them breathing.
> This was overkill ;) more like a boot to the skull!
> take it easy bubba :)

And after all the good press on www.perl.org about this group.
Not even a suggestion to try perldoc -f chomp, or a comment that it's
like chop, but generally safer. Never mind specifying that it removed
line-ending characters (newlines on *NIX, carriage returns on MAC, CRLF
on WinDos, etc.) but nothing else, unlike chop, which just knocks off
(and returns?) the last character.

> > I'm usually the last person to say this (in fact I think it is
> > the first time I've ever ever felt the need to say this) but
> "RTFM".
> >
> > If you can't find this on your own you are either too lazy to
> > warrant help, or too dumb to absorb the help that is given.

print "Just another Perl Hacker\n"; # edited for readability =o)
Real friends are those whom, when you inconvenience them, are bothered less by it than 
you are. -- me. =o) 
"There are trivial truths and there are great Truths.
 The opposite of a trival truth is obviously false.
 The opposite of a great Truth is also true."  -- Neils Bohr

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