--- Yvonne Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the following piece of code which matches perfectly  for a
> string between the single qoute and the semi-colon:-
> use strict;
> my($mymatch,$line,@arr,$arr,$i);
> open (FILE, "functions2.log") or die $!;
> open (OUTFILE, ">thosecoolfuncs.log");
> while ($mymatch =  <FILE>) {
>    if ($mymatch =~  m/\'(.+)\;/gis) { 
>          print OUTFILE $1,  "\n\n";
>    }
> }
> close (OUTFILE);

(My apologies for the reformatting -- my mail prog went nuts. =o)

> But the problem occurs when I add this into a bigger code segment, it
> just goes crazy! And seems to match te complete opposite.

Scoping issue?
Try putting the match return into a named variable instead od trusting
$1 (this is frequently less confusing than the extra {}'s that would
solve the same problem....)

> while ($mymatch = <FILE>) {
     # () required in "my($match) =" for list context
     my($match) = $mymatch =~  m/\'(.+)\;/gis;
     print OUTFILE $match,  "\n\n" if $match;
> }

If that doesn't fix it, then I'm probably off base, but it still might
aid readability a little (at the cost of an additioanl variable).

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