$original = "c:\\myfile.txt";
$changed = "c:\\mynewfile.txt";

$searchfor = "john"; # Text identifying line(s) you want removing

open IN, $original or die "Can't open $original: $!";
open OUT, ">$changed" or die "Can't create $changed: $!";

while(<IN>) {
        print OUT unless /$changed/;

close IN;
close OUT;



-----Original Message-----
From: Deepesh Tiwari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 June 2001 16:13
Subject: deleting a line with a particular string.

I have a file having 100 lines.
I want to remove the lines, having a particular string, completely from the
file. (notreplacing them with blank lines even)

Is there a way in perl for doing this ?


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