On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, twelveoaks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Peter Scott Wrote:
> > my %h;
> > @h{@vars} = ();
> > if (keys %h != @vars) { $youlose = "yes"; }
> Maybe I'm missing something - won't these *always* match, since @vars has
> been used to create keys %h?

No, depends on the content of @array.

When you use the array @vars to create the keys, the uniqueness is
guaranteed.  Peter gave you the code to prove that (I didn't test
it though).  Imagine you have,

    @array = qw(one one one two); # 4 elements

Since the keys must be unique, only two of the four elements fill
in the key slots, they are 'one' and 'two'.  Let's create the hash

    %h = (
        one => 1,
        one => 2,
        one => 3,
        two => 4,

You only get two keys here (the last value will override the the
previous, so in this case, $h{one} will be 3).  So the comparison,

    keys %h != @vars

yields true, they're not equal.

> It seems that way when I test it.
> What I want to detect is whether any two of the values within @vars are
> identical.
> Will this do that?

There's another approach, still using hash.  Initialize an empty hash,
say %seen.  Iterate the @vars and check whether the current element
has been seen.

my %seen;
foreach my $elem (@vars) {
    if (exists $seen{$elem}) {
        $youlose = 'yes';
    } else {
        $seen{$elem} = ''; # empty string will be sufficient,
                           # but see below

But it's convenient to do the check and keep in single step,

    if ($seen{$elem}++) {
        $youlose = 'yes';

It's the same as,

    if ($seen{$elem}) {
        $youlose = 'yes';
    } else {
        $seen{$elem} += 1;


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