is a label that sets off a block of code.  A more obvious use for it would 
be to emulate the switch structure in C++:
         if($var == 1)
                 do something
                 last SWITCH; # skip the rest of this block
         if($var == 2)
                 do something else
                 last SWITCH; # skip the rest of this block
         do some default thing

basically, a string followed by a colon is a point in the code that you can 
tell the program to go to using keywords like next, last, etc.

somewhere in your script, there must be a reference to ALL_SESSIONS and 
ALL_STUDIES -- hopefully not using the dreaded goto! :)
At 09:10 29.06.2001 -0500, Humberto Varela wrote:
>sorry to ask such a simple question, but i can't find reference to this 
>syntax in a couple of my Perl reference books (i think it's time i bought 
>the Camel book)
>ALL_SESSIONS: foreach $session_dir (@ARGV) {
>     @studies = `ls -1 "$session_dir" `;
>     @session_path = split /\//, $session_dir ;
>     $session = $session_path[$#session_path] ;
>     print "\n Checking $session:" ;
>     ALL_STUDIES: foreach $study (@studies) {
>         chomp $study;
>         $numfound = 0;
>         @hits = (); # new list
>the items in CAPS: are some kind of structure, right?
>i just haven't seen the CAPS: notation yet.

Aaron Craig

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