O enlightened ones, here is my question:
I am going through the llama book  (which, by the way, is the most useful
I have bought so far for perl reference) in order to learn perl.  On page 10
is a simple script which I copied and have attempted to execute for the last
1/2 hour.  Please tell me what is wrong!
I'm using ActiveStatePerl5.6.1 and Apache web server on M$ win98se.

##############perl script   file name: gradation.pl ##################
#!c:/perl/bin/perl -w

open(GRADES, "c:\perl\eg\grades.txt") or die "Can't open grades: $!\n";
while ($line = <GRADES>) {
        ($student, $grade) = split(" ", $line);
        $grades{$student} .= $grade . " ";

foreach $student (sort keys %grades) {
        $scores = 0;
        $total = 0;
        @grades = split(" ", $grades{$student});
        foreach $grades (@grades) {
                $total += $grade;
        $average = $total / $scores;
        print "$student: $grades{$student}\tAverage: $average\n";

##### my text file is as follows, and is called "grades.txt" in same path as

Noel  25
Ben  76
Clementine  49
Norm  66
Chris  92
Doug  42
Carol  25
Ben  12
Clementine  0
Norm  66

# Resulting error messages

Unrecognized escape \p passed through at c:\perl\eg\gradation.pl Line 3
Unrecognized escape \g passed through at c:\perl\eg\gradation.pl Line 3
Can't open grades: No such file or directory
######### That's it #########

Thanks for any help.
Standing by with a water hose,

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