On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 03:57:54PM -0700, Amir Hejazi wrote:
> I just wanted to save people some time.
> To answer your question, I have been in 2 perl programming classes and doing
> some light
> perl scripting for couple of years to do my sysadmin tasks.
> Now , I need to send a file which is generated by some other part of the
> codes to a
> specific user, I tried so many different ways of invoking
> "/usr/lib/sendmail" within
> my script with on avail, I downloaded the Mail::Mailer module from CPAN and
> I used
> it the same way the "Perl Cookbook" instructs and I am getting the
> following:
> Can't locate object method "new" via package "Mail::Mailer".
> Please refer to Page 650-653 of O'Reilly's Perl Cookbook.

Now we're getting somewhere!  Unfortunately, I don't have access to the
Cookbook at the moment, but I'll do a bit of guessing.  If I'm wrong or
you need extra help it will probably be worth your while to actually
post your code.

My guess is that you have forgotton the line

  use Mail::Mailer;

near the top of your program, and that you are using a version
of Perl < 5.6.1 which is the current stable version.  That's probably
not a problem as long as it's not too old.

> Also I would appreciate a quote for a simple , few lines, perl script that
> sends a
> file to a user .

I suspect you'll get it for free if you're willing to be a party to its
creation.  For my part, I wouldn't bother with anything so small on a
commercial basis.  I've already spent more time writing mail than I
would writing the program :-)  Others may feel differently.

> Thanks ... Amir.

Sorry if my first message seemed a little curt.  You came across as
wanting a solution without investing any effort.  I'm glad to see that's
not the case.

Next time, you may find it to your advantage to use a more descriptive
subject line and provide as many details as you can.  That way you'll be
much more likely to receive the help you're after.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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