At 16:05 06.07.2001 +0100, Kris G Findlay wrote:
>i have a script
>##### perl script ######
>   use Net::IRC;
>   my $irc = new Net::IRC;
>   my $conn = $irc->newconn(Nick => 'GH-[bot]',
>                            Server   => '',
>                            Port     => 6668);
>   $self->add_global_handler('376', \&on_connect);     # global
>   $self->add_handler('msg', \&on_msg);                # local
>  # What to do when the bot successfully connects.
>     sub on_connect {
>         $self = shift;
>         print "Joining #chat...";
>         $self->join("#chat");
>         $self->privmsg("#chat", "Hi there.");
>     }
>##### end perl script ######
>and when i run it i get this error
>Can't connect to! at E:/Perl/site/lib/Net/ line

I would guess that you have to change the parameters on line 192 to 
something valid probably be changed to whatever server is hosting this 
connection -- and I'd be that Nick should be changed to a valid nickname.

>   my $conn = $irc->newconn(Nick => 'GH-[bot]',
>                            Server   => '',
>                            Port     => 6668);

Aaron Craig

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