At 14:53 09.07.2001 +0200, Paul Johnson wrote:
>On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 04:48:42PM +0530, baby lakshmi wrote:
> > >>What is the difference between list and an array??
> > >>May be this very small question. but i would like to know the difference.
> > >>The help in this regard is appreciated.
> > >>Thank you
> > >>Regards
> > >>babylakshmi
> > >
> > >There isn't one.
>Well, actuallly that's not quite right.  There is quite a bit of
>difference.  See perlfaq4, copied here.

You are correct -- I should have read the documention :)  However, in every 
day programming-speak, list and array get tossed about in such a way that 
they become synonymous.  A list and an array seem to be effectively the 
same thing -- except that a list is constant and an array is not.  You 
might even say that a list is an array that you can't mess with.

Which brings up a question on my part.  Are there any examples of the use 
of an array and the use of a list where labelling them differently make 
something different happen?  IE

foreach (0..9); # list, correct?
foreach (@array); # array

to the average programmer, how does calling 0..9 an array screw them up?

Aaron Craig

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