Hi, can any body help me with a regex problem that I have please!
        Q. Could any body please show me how to, print data by searching
character Numbers in a input line!
        I have a input file, below is a few *LINES* of example of the input


        168150607947058268M200107015y13 00000000n/a
        For each *line* of the input file I need to get certain sets of data
in the line (string), for example;
        0 to 5 (characters), 8 to 12 (characters), 14 to 16 (characters on
each line)

        *I can only search by specifying numbers* as there is no, spaces,
tabs and etc, to separate the fields that I require!

        Here is a programme that I wrote in the past to search for Fields,
as there was tab spaces in-between the input file, fields. I would like to
modify this programme to do what I need, however I can not use this as there
is no tab spaces to separate the fields in the input file!

        open iscd,"<$ARGV[0]" or die "Cannot open $ARGV[0]",$!;
        open sortcode,">$ARGV[1]";
                chomp $line;
                @fields=split "\t",$line;
                printf sortcode "\n%6.6s%8.8s%27.27s%35.35s%35.35s",
        close iscd;
        close sortcode;

        Any help would be much appreciated.

        Kind Regards 

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