I do the following statement but the output still gets a CR/LF pair:

print OUTPUT "this is a test".chr(10)

Interesting, though, if I do the same statement with chr(13) for CR only, it
does CR only - of course that's not what I need.  Oh well.  Also tried
setting $\ to chr(10) - no help.  Looking for other ideas.

Background:  I'm parsing some cumulative log files on an NT server into
individual logs that will be passed to the Unix host for further processing
and update into a relational database.  The initial parsing needs to be on
NT so that we don't have to send hundreds of megabytes of redundant data to
the server.  The initial pass will create hundreds of files equaling
hundreds of megabytes of data.  Sending each file individually with ftp will
take too long so want to tar them up on the NT side as a group but that
means that the text format needs to already be "Unix".  Besides, it save me
bytes that I don't have to transmit.

Any help is appreciated.

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