At 15:49 09.07.2001 -0700, Wagner-David wrote:
>   Change:if ( /^Kilobytes:(.*)$/ ) to if ( /^Kilobytes:\s*(\d*)$/ )
>         where $1 will have your count without leading spaces.  You may want
>a test to verify that you did get a hit on digits.
>Wags ;)

That only works if the text following Kilobytes: is always some spaces and 
then a string of numbers.  What if you've got non-numbers?

how about:


which adds the possibility of tabs being used instead of spaces (just in 
case :)

>I have a newbie whitespace question. Say I have a regular variable that has
>a string in it with something like "      text". I just want to reassign the
>variable to the text inside the double quotes above. or, given the
>my $var="";
>while ( <FILE> ) {
>    if ( /^Kilobytes:(.*)$/ ) {
>       $var = $1 ;
>    }
>This will set $var to "       3452" for example, I want to strip out the
>whitespace to only get "3452".
>Any thoughts appreciated,

Aaron Craig

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