>        use CGI ":all";
>        @values = param('foo');
>If you're using the object interface, you've read the wrong book.
>Even Lincoln himself doesn't use that for any examples I've seen him
>teach in seminars.  "perldoc CGI" is written that way mostly from
>legacy, not optimization.

Hmmm. Ok. That would shoot down that complaint. I think the only other one
I had regarding the param() sort of interface was the fact that I had to
assign the value of a param to an interim value (is that right?). So
instead of:

   print "The color is $form->{foo}";        # the way i want
   print "The color is param('foo')";        # the way i'd want

I'd have to do:

   my $color = param('foo');
   print "The color is $color";

Is that accurate?

>Stop quoting the size.  That's a red herring.  That's like saying "I'm
>not invoking the 60,000 line Perl binary when my 15 line C program will
>do the same thing".  Dumb argument.

So there's no additional overhead to using a routine from CGI.pm? I work
for an ISP where a spike on MRTG spells instant "remove that script!
remooovee thattt scripppppt!!". I'm not trying to be sarcastic - what
happens to the other 180k of code that I don't use? Is it ever loaded into
Perl? It must take up some something, right? I had read previously that
CGI.pm is super smart in that aspect, and doesn't load junk that it doesn't
need, but doesn't the dormant code cause some effect? What if this script
is being hit a hundreds of thousands of times a week (mod_perl is not an

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