Okay so I'm really new to perl but I've hacked together this program to
parse /etc/passwd and email the login's manager every month.  Well it
does just that but now I need to add some widget that will email the
manager once with a list of all his personnel rather than one email per
user in the passwd file.  I am at a standstill.  help!

this script assumes the passwd file is formatted a certain way...

with big.cheese being the manager...

here is the code...edited to protect the guilty....

#Script parses /etc/passwd and emails all users managers requesting
status of subject user

open(OUTPUT, "hostname|") || die "Can't stat hostname";

# setup array of excluded system users (ie. peeps who don't have

@exuser= ("root", "daemon", "bin", "sys", "adm", "lp", "uucp", "nuucp",
"listen", "nobody", "noaccess", "nobody4");

# read passwd file into array so weez can chunkonit

open (F, "/etc/passwd") || die "Could not open passwd file: $:";

# perform the magic filtering necessary to pick out the names from the
# field and email the managers requesting status of the user.

        foreach $line (@password)
        ( $login, $pass, $uid, $gid, $Comm, $dir, $shell ) = split (/:/,
        @User = split (/,/, $Comm);

        if (1 == scalar ( @User ))



        if ( $Comm eq "" )

        print "login=$login User=@User\n";

        if ( 1 != grep ( /$login/, @exuser ) )
chomp ( $hostname );
open( MAIL, "| /bin/mailx -s \"User Access\" -U $User[1]\@hotmail.com"
                print MAIL <<"_END_OF_FILE_";
Does $User[0] still require access to server $hostname?
Please respond to my Team.


thanks in advance for any help you can provide...

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