for using split, try to remove the ( ) since you will not be needing $1
through $9. I suspect because you have many ( ) in there, this might
cause a problem. I also gather that you are trying not to really split,
but to pattern match, in which case you can only have from $1-$9 (i
belive that is correct, however i could have have misread).

Do try to consolodate your ( ), and not use it for sections that you do
not need it.
combine the time and date into one ( ), you can parse that later need
be. You don't need -offset do you? if you do, then put that into the
time as well. After you've combined the ( ) as best you can, perhaps it
will work.

you might also consider using the *? (look forward/look back) method of
doing things.
for instance \"(.*)?\" will match "METHID URI HTTP/1.x" (without quotes
of course). That should help you a bit.


Katie Elliott wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to split apart a log file.  However, it doesn't seem to be working.  Can 
>anyone give me some help?  I am still trying to figure out how split works.  It seems 
>to work up to the browser, but after that I seem to be having trouble.
> Thanks in advance,
> Katie
> ---------------
> ipaddr - user [dd/Mon/yyyy:hh:mm:ss -offset] "METHOD URI HTTP/1.x" respcode bytes 
>"referrer" "browser" METHOD REQUEST "HTTP/1.x" cookie1=value1
> '^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[(\d\d)\/(\S\S\S)\/(\d\d\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\S+)\] 
>\"(\S+) ([^"]*)\" (\S+) (\S+) \"?(
> [^"]*)\"\s*\"([^"]*)\" (\S+) ([^"])\" (\S+)'
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