--- Pedro A Reche Gallardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to delete an array element changing the array size at
> the same time?
> if I do $array[$i]= undef; the value is gone but the size of the
> array remains  the same?!

see perldoc -f splice:

splice ARRAY
    Removes the elements designated by OFFSET and LENGTH from an array,
    and replaces them with the elements of LIST, if any. In list
    context, returns the elements removed from the array. In scalar
    context, returns the last element removed, or undef if no elements
    are removed. The array grows or shrinks as necessary. If OFFSET is
    negative then it starts that far from the end of the array. If
    LENGTH is omitted, removes everything from OFFSET onward. If LENGTH
    is negative, leaves that many elements off the end of the array.
    If both OFFSET and LENGTH are omitted, removes everything. 

    The following equivalences hold (assuming $[ == 0):

        push(@a,$x,$y)      splice(@a,@a,0,$x,$y)
        pop(@a)             splice(@a,-1)
        shift(@a)           splice(@a,0,1)
        unshift(@a,$x,$y)   splice(@a,0,0,$x,$y)
        $a[$x] = $y         splice(@a,$x,1,$y)

    Example, assuming array lengths are passed before arrays:

        sub aeq {   # compare two list values
            my(@a) = splice(@_,0,shift);
            my(@b) = splice(@_,0,shift);
            return 0 unless @a == @b;       # same len?
            while (@a) {
                return 0 if pop(@a) ne pop(@b);
            return 1;
        if (&aeq($len,@foo[1..$len],0+@bar,@bar)) { ... }

print "Just another Perl Hacker\n"; # edited for readability =o)
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 The opposite of a great Truth is also true."  -- Neils Bohr

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