Does any body know why the printf is not printing anything out!

I tested the rest of the script by replacing the printf line with,
print "$line";
the file prints (with out any changes to the file, as expected). So
everything else is working apart from the printf.

Any help would be much appreciated.


sub inserter {
$file = <TESTFILE>;
$length = length($file);
@array = split(//, $file);
$splitcounter = 0;

for ($counter = 0; $counter < $length; $counter++) {
   if ($splitcounter == 480) {;
      push(@newarray, "\r");
      $splitcounter = 0;
   else {
      push(@newarray, $array[$counter]);

foreach $line(@newarray) {

        $a = substr($_, 0, 18);
        $b = substr($_, 32, 1);
        $c = substr($_, 290, 10);
        printf "%18s %1s %10s\n",$a, $b, $c;

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