On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Yvonne Murphy wrote:

> It's Friday evening and my brain is already beginning to close down for
> the weekend although I haven't yet given it
> permission to do so! I need to get this regex problem I have sorted
> soon, but my brain refuses to co-operate with me.
> I need to match the following type of #include statement found in a C
> header file:
> #include " test/bar.h "
> #include " other/foo.h "
> I need to be able to work on the actual header files so I need to be
> able to store
> the directory pathnames in a varible.
> Any idea/help/suggestions would be so gratefully appreciated

Can you post your code and indicate where the exact problem is?  What is
the regex you have tried using?

-- Brett
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