to get the form data you can just use CGI's param('key') command

use CGI;
$cgi = CGI;
$value = $cgi->param('key');

as for Mail, there are lots of options. I've been partial towards
MIME::Lite, but I know others will give you more example. Look into the
Net package (Net::Mail perhaps?)


Customer Service wrote:
>     Thanks a bunch for everyone’s input; I didn’t have to wait long at all
> to receive an answer from all of you knowledgeable people.  A few questions:
>     What smtp server software would you recommend I use to send email to
> myself (localhost)?  I have win98se, apache, activestate_perl.
>     And, How do I use to parse a form’s output?  Do I just do:
> #!c:/perl/bin/perl –w
> use
> # Then something like
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
>             print header;
>             foreach $key (sort keys(%formdata)) {
>                        print "<P>The field named<B>$key</B>
>                        contained <B>$formdata{$key}</B>";
>                        }
> ##### Does anyone have a nicely customizable form validation script I can
> use instead of “reinventing” one?
> Also, it seems that there are a number of programmers on this list who feel
> passionate about validating scripts server-side.  Since I do my validation
> using javascript, then send it to the server so that “” can chew
> on it.  The example below has been modified to run on my machine for testing
> purposes.  Normally, it is on the remote host.
> ######
> <form onSubmit = "return submitIt (this)" action =
> ""; name = "cattlemancustomForm">
>                                                             <input
> type="hidden" name="recipient" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
>                                                             <input
> type="hidden"  name="subject" value="Cattleman form submittal">
>                                                             <input
> type="hidden"  name="title" value="Info">
> #######
> So, if I use a server-side validation script, how do keep my email addr
> hidden from clients, (refer to above example?
> Thanks,
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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