On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Mooney Christophe-CMOONEY1 wrote:

> I have been programming perl for quite some time, but i have never used a
> 'continue' block.  It seems just as easy to put any code that one would
> normally put in a continue right into the loop itself.  What is the purpose
> of a continue block?  Is there a time where a continue might be prefered to
> simply having one block for the whole loop?

The code in a continue block is run whenever going to the next iteration
of a loop.  This is to ensure certain things happen before the conditional
of the loop is re-evaluated.  It might be easier and more maintainable,
code wise, to have that block in one place rather than having it in
several places depending on how you might be forcing a new iteration (with
the next keyword, for instance).  The 'continue' block is like the third
part of the C-like for -- it always runs unless you completely break out
of the loop.

while($something) {

        #do some stuff, open files, etc etc etc
        if($somethingelse) { next }
        else {
                #do a bunch of other stuff

} continue {

        close SOMEFILE;
        print stuff;

perldoc perlsyn has more details on this.

-- Brett
Totally illogical, there was no chance.
                -- Spock, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3

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