On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Chuck Morford wrote:

> And about Pascal's Record Type. Is there anything equivalent in Perl
> without getting into OOP?

Linked lists are really not necessary in Perl since you can do cool things
with lists that you can't do in Pascal or C.  However, I think for what
you are doing, you want to create an array or a hash of references, and
no, they do not get converted to strings.  A reference IS already a
scalar, and is the only way to create complex data structures in Perl:

my $adventure = {
                  players => { ranger => 'Aragorn',
                               thief => 'Bilbo',
                               halforc => 'Shagrat'

                  realms => [ 'Mordor', 'Eriador', 'Beleriand' ]

So now you have a hash reference containing a hash reference keyed by
'players' and an array reference keyed by 'realms'.

$new_ranger = $adventure->{players}->{ranger};  #gives 'Aragorn'
$new_realm = $adventure->{realms}->[1];         #gives 'Eriador'

BTW, _Mastering Algorithms with Perl_ from O'Reilly has several chapters
devoted to complex data structures, including linked lists.  If you want
to translate your typical Pascalish CompSci stuff to Perl, this is a good
book to start with.

-- Brett
Parts that positively cannot be assembled in improper order will be.

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