On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Ela Jarecka wrote:

Ok, lemme take a crack at it. ;)

> while(defined($line = <FILEH>)) {
Couldn't you just: while ($line = <FILEH>) {
or is there something I'm missing?

>    if ( $toBf =~ /^\n$/) {
>       die "Bye, bye!\n";
>    }

This would typically be considered bad form, I think. Die is used to stop your program 
when it hits a fatal error of some sort; i.e.

open(blah, "blah.txt") || die("Aargh! No blah!")

Instead, I would write that loop as:

if ($toBf =~ /^\n$/) {
        print "\nBye, bye!\n";
        last MAINLOOP;

But for that to work, you have to put a label on your main loop. I.e.:

MAINLOOP: while ($tom = "yay") {

Now, if your main loop is actually in a subroutine, use "return," just like in C.

> sub find_entry {
>    my $href = shift;
>    my $key = shift;

You could use:

my ($href, $key) = @_;

The rest looks good to me. :)


Jason Ledbetter
Data Conversion Specialist
Perl Monk and Ascii Ninja
Cadmus Professional Communications

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