thanks bossman!   :)
will i like this better than asp?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: flat file

> --- bc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i'm an old asp/vbscript dude, i do not know how to "...make sure the
> > file is open" either? any real quick explanation you can give me to
> > get the file open in perlScript/CGI?  to match what you said below?
> lol ok:
>   use strict;  # option explicit, but better =o)
>   use warnings;
>   use diagnostics -verbose; enable diagnostics;
>   use CGI;
>   print CGI->header, CGI->start_html, "<table border=1>\n";
>   # you might also want some column headers here.
>   # I don't know the filename, so edit this:
>   open CSV, "your.csv" or die $!;
>   # inserting from below:
>   while(<CSV>) {         # read a line
>      s/^/<TR><TD>/;      # start the table row and first cell
>      s{,}{</TD><TD>}g;   # seperate fields into cells
>      s{$}</TD></TR>};    # close the last cell and the row
>      print "$_\n";       # I like to add the newline
>   }
>   close CSV;
>   # then end:
>   print "</table>",CGI->end_html;
>   exit;
> You may need to clean it up a bit. =o)
> > > --- bc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > how, in perl/cgi, or, what is a popular way of connecting to, and
> > > > displaying, a csv file's contents to a browser, in table form?
> > >
> > > Er.
> > >
> > > Okay, um....
> > > CSV as in Comma Seperated Values?
> > > ...start the page, print the table headers, make sure the file is
> > open,
> > > then
> > >
> > >    while(<CSV>) {         # read a line
> > >       s/^/<TR><TD>/;      # start the table row and first cell
> > >       s{,}{</TD><TD>}g;   # seperate fields into cells
> > >       s{$}</TD></TR>};    # close the last cell and the row
> > >       print "$_\n";       # I like to add the newline
> > >    }
> > >
> > > then print the table closing lines, etc.
> > >
> > > That's kinda clumsy, but doesn't require anything too fancy.
> > > You could also do a split/join if you prefer, but you'd still have
> > to
> > > handle the start and end of each line.
> > >
> > >
> > >
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