Hello, all -- i have come across an interesting problem.  When i run the
following script, i get that '$this' in dog::bark is undefined.  When i
think about it, this makes sense, since call $a_dog->{'speak'}() is like
saying "dog::bark".

on the last line would solve this problem, but it would be nice not to have
to worry about passing itself to the function.  Does anyone see any
alternatives to this?


#!/local/perl/bin/perl -w
use strict;

package dog;
sub new
        my $class=shift;
        my %this=@_;
        bless \%this;

sub bark
        my $this=shift;
        $this || die "foo: it's undefined!\n";
        print "$this->{'name'} says woof!\n";

package main;

my $a_dog=dog->new(name => 'bart');
         / \      _-'
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  __-' { |          \
      /              \
      /       "o.  |o }
      |            \ ;
         \_         __\
           ''-_    \.//
             / '-____'


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