I have a little problem relating a program that I'm writing. This program 
involves getting data from mysql databases.

According to some docs the code should be like

use DBI;
$dbh = BDI->connect('DBI:mysql:databasename:database:host','username','pass') 
or die $DBI::errst;

Now my problem is the following, in order to connect you have to know the 
databasename but I want it to be that the users get a list of possible 
databases, picks one of them and then uses that database.  So simply putting 
a sql show database; to the screen and letting the user pick one out.

BUT before connecting  you already have to know the databasename ... how do i 
solve this ? Or can i stupidly give no databasename ?

 requiem aeternam dona eis

         De Brauwer Elie 

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